Chelsey Rose

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We all know we can tell our body feels a certain way as soon as we gain enough consciousness in the am.

If I ate pizza at 2:00am compared to having a lean dinner at 8:00 pm, I can feel the difference in my stomach as soon as I roll over. If I wash my face before I go to bed I can wake up and enjoy the 30 second eye rub compared to not washing my face and waking up to a heavy oily setting while I lay there and wonder how much mascara I got all over my pillows. Not Fun. Then your eyes are all swollen and shitty looking and you can bet that you’ve got about T-minus 2 days until that acne kicks in. Literally like a meteor, and there’s no way to avoid it now.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “When you drink tonight, you are borrowing happiness from tomorrow?” Little corny but true. I think some of us are at a point that we’re borrowing happiness from next month. But your mood for tomorrow is generally set by how you feel in the morning and it’s determined not only by if you drank the night before or not but if you overall took care of yourself.

Did you eat well? Did you brush your teeth and wash your face? Did you take a second to think about what you have going on the following day so you are prepared? Did you get at least 6 hours of sleep? Did you drink enough water the day before or are you waking up with your fingers swollen on to your rings?

Do you have a morning routine or do you wake up and watch 73 videos on your phone then go back to bed because you can’t think of anything to do?

Personally, I get up, make my bed, clean up my house, throw some clothes on and go to a café to wake up and see what I have going on that day.

So if you want to get moving a little bit and actually not want to kill yourself by 9:00 am, then try a few (or all) of these tips and notice the difference in your energy and mood every day !

- Drink water through out the day ( at least 4 16 oz bottles)

- Wash your face/ brush your teeth – it catches up to you not only tomorrow but in the long run if you don’t.

- Make sure your room is as dark as it can be when you go to sleep so you don’t interrupt any of that glorious shut eye.

- Don’t eat after 8:00 pm

- Make your last meal of the day some veggies and protein because there is hardly any sodium. (No late night Chinese meals. That salt is gunna stick to you like white on rice)

- Work out for at least 30 minutes at some point during the day. You’ll sleep better.

- Have a general idea of some things that you want to get done the following day so you have motivation and a sense of urgency to get up.

- Whatever your alcohol intake is right now, cut it in half. 

Do it for yourself!! You’re the only one that can :)