Chelsey Rose

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It's been a while since I've personally been through a break up but I DEFINITELY know how it feels and that it completely blows. 

I've had a few people hit me up recently telling me that they're going through a break up and wanted some advice. 

I think I've seen enough happen and I've seen where people mess up too often after a break up that I kind of just want to talk about it.

First of all, I've never been that girl that's an "on and off" person in a relationship. We're either dating or we're not. I don't see the point in leaving that grey, in between area open to kind of just do whatever you want. 

It kind of just seems like an opportunity to do something wrong and not get in trouble for it.

SO, when I break up with someone, it's DONE. 

PS: I'd love to hear any of your tips or stories so comment below if you have any!

So if you're in a situation where it's DONE, especially if you're the one that got broken up with, then consider some of these "tips?" I guess I would call them... Because none of your friends want to hear you talk about your on and off relationship for 10 years. THEY'RE OVER IT, you need to be over it too. 



Always and forever, this will be number one. You are COMPLETELY 100% torturing yourself when you go see what the last thing was that they posted, who they're following since the break up, what their captions say, where their geo-tags are....BLAH, STOP. 

It's also silly to me because it's so easy to block someone but it seems like a lot of people after a break up make a huge effort to stalk their ex on social media ALL DAMN DAY. 

You are not going to get over someone if you are obsessing over their every move and breath. You stay extremely attached to that person and it's just un healthy. I mean, especially if they broke up with you then I think you need to realize that you need to move on. 

Don't torture yourself. 



OMG. Maybe this should be number 1? It's a close call. If someone breaks up with you, DO NOT SPEND YOUR TIME TRYING TO GET THEIR ATTENTION. This is such a bad move. I feel like I can even see right through posts where people are trying to get back at their ex. 

Don't post a picture of yourself in Europe and talk about how your so happy to be there only because you know your ex REALLLLY wanted to go to Europe. 

Don't even post a picture of you drinking a Caramel late when you hate Starbucks but you know that was your ex's favorite drink. 

Get what I'm saying? Because at the end of the day, THE ONLY REASON you are posting that picture is because you are waiting to see if he or she is going to react to it. So you're still technically using SO much energy throughout your day just to get that persons attention. 

And the worst part? They know what you're doing. I mean they dated you right? They know you. They're going to know if you're being genuine or fake so don't let them have that satisfaction that you're still worried about what they think. 




Okay - for some this might seem totally appropriate which yeah go have some cocktails with your girls and if you want to post a picture of that I think thats okay BUT don't make the caption ANYTHING about him, or her. 

But if you never party, don't purposely go out and get hammered and post pictured of yourself with people you don't know JUST to "get back" at your ex. 

If I saw my ex do that I would laugh. especially if they never liked clubs you know? It would be so obvious that they were still wasting energy just trying to get back at me, which is kind of pathetic. 

If someone breaks up with me, I go off the radar. You won't know where I'm at, what I'm doing, how I'm doing...and at the end of the day, that's going to drive your ex more insane that him being able to see your every move and see that you're still clearly obsessed with them. 



Post break up for me is like crack. I feel like it's the best time to do all the shit you forgot that you wanted to do while you were in a relationship. This is also why you never want to get to this point in a relationship. 

You should be able to be you + MORE in a relationship...not 1/2 of who you are because you were too busy giving yourself to someone else. 

If you're going through a break up then you need to make sure you're busy all day doing things for yourself. This helps keep your mind off of your break up and it helps push your forward. 

Start going to the gym again and get your diet on point. Start hanging out with friends that you haven't made time for in a while. Go work on what YOU want to do. 

People that go through break ups and spend all day doing nothing other than trying to get the attention of their ex end up digging themselves deeper into a hole of depression, and girllllll you don't have time for that. 

I feel like whether you're going through a break up or if you've been single for a while and you feel like you want to start dating, the absolute best thing you can possible do is DO YOU. 

Be yourself, don't play games, and focus on your goals.

Doing you will always be the most attractive thing you can do.

Comment your tips, tricks, and stories below!


Love you guys
