Chelsey Rose

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I literally never know what day it is. ALL DAY yesterday i thought it was Monday and it was THURSDAY. Like not even close. So it doesn't surprise me that i looked at my calendar today and realized that I actually only have three days until my first fitness shoot...not 8 like I originally thought for some unknown reason.  

First of all, lets talk about this shoot real quick. So yes it's going to be my FIRST fitness shoot for Chelsey Rose Health & I am SO excited. I did a few shoots with W3livehealthy but this will be my first one on my own. (For those of you who followed W3livehealthy, if you haven't noticed...we all talked and decided that we wanted to go on a little but of different paths so that's why you won't see the three of us on there together anymore but we're all SO EXCITED for what's to come!)

The main idea behind the shoot is MOTIVATION. Motivation for me to get more posts out to you guys about workout tips and tricks (Since Iv'e been focusing more on the nutrition side of things) which in turn might motivate you to try something new or set some new workout goals! It's not just to have the picture on instagram or to get dolled up for a day (even though it's gunna be fun..!) It's to provide you guys with more information and tools and resources so it's definitely a little project that i'm excited about.

At then end of the day though IT IS A PHOTO SHOOT haha and I think it's in every girls genetics make up to want to do SOMETHING to feel like we're getting ready for the shots SO I wanted to fill you in on what I'm doing over the next three days to get prepped and who knows, maybe it will give you some guidelines for the next time you're in a crunch to slim down, and tone up. 

1. Less Carbs

Notice how I didn't say NO CARBS. Best belieeeve I'm going to be working out over these next few days (as usual) and I need my carbs to fuel me. I'm just going to do a little bit less. At lunch time before I work out I will have 1/3 cup quinoa or cous cous with A TON of arugula and some some chopped baby carrots. (No croutons :( - salty). Normally I have a few because I live in moderation but I can hold off for the next few days.

No carbs at night though. Not that it's a huge deal but if there's somewhere I can cut down it would be there. I'll stick to lettuce wrapped tuna, salmon salads with lemon dressing and lots of veggies, and  FA SHO.

2. Lots Of Fat Burning Water

A gallon a day at least. If I carry around a one gallon jug with me then I tend to go through a lot more! (You run to the bathroom a lot but you're flushing out TONS of toxins, reducing cravings by A LOT and reducing all that bloating and puffiness that comes with alcohol & salty foods, YAAAS).

For one gallon:

+ Squeeze or Juice 2 organic lemons

+ 2 Teaspoons Organic Cayenne Pepper

+ 1 Gallon ALKALINE WATER. (I mentioned in my snap the other day (chelseyrose - add me!) that you can find places around you that will sell you GALLONS of alkaline water for SUPER CHEAP!! Just google "ALKALINE WATER STORES IN your city) and you should get a map of some. You just have to purchase the 5 gallon jug when you get there and then they will fill it up for you for 5-7 dollars! (1 gallon at the store is like 3.50 so it's a great deal). The jug is about 30.00 dollars or so but it's a great investment that you only need to purchase once. Also - get a little one gallon jug to carry around with you while you're there if they have them!!)

3. Detox Tea

Detox tea is the shit. No pun intended? Haha gross anyways.

Seriously though detox tea is SO NECESSARY for every day life but especially when you're wanting to slim down pretty quick. This is what I use because it's the best tea I've found for detoxing with the colon cleanse and sustained energy with the Skinny Tea. 

This is my go to, i HIGHLY recommend it. The colon cleanse can be a little intense your first couple of times so I suggest only steeping it for about 5 minutes. I steep mine for like 15 haha. 

Get 10% off your purchases from Teami BLends with my discount code CHELSEY. Make sure you put a "Y" not an "A" .

4. Sweat and Tone

Definitely want to sweat to reduce puffiness and eliminate toxins from my body and I want to tone up! I'll probably do a spin class because i sweat my ass off in those classes, sit in the sauna for about 30 minutes one night (LOVE THAT) and do two barre classes because that's about all I have time for ! haha. Barre is AMAZING for toning quickly and plumping you up in all the right places. i suggest looking online at Groupon Barre Class Discounts and trying it!

5. Protein Smoothie


Another one of those things that you've probably seen a trillion times if you follow me on snap. I FREAKING LOVE THIS SMOOTHIE! It's filling, SUPER HEALTHY and plant protein based. I have been having one or breakfast and then I've been making one after my workout as well. This helps keep me full and satisfied and helps rebuild my muscles! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BULK UP. If you want to that plump feeling in your ass after a workout to last longer than the next day you NEED to refuel with protein. Or else you're just "living off the pump" and your ass will go back down in 24 hours. Get it right get it tight my friends. 

So whether you're getting ready for a shoot or getting ready for Coachella, these tips will definitely give you some quick results! Stay tuned for the shoot & more tips via snap!
